周瑜, 寇纲, 尔古打机. 基于失效分类的应急救援装备预防维修优化[J]. 电子科技大学学报社科版, 2015, 17(4): 25-28. DOI: 10.14071/j.1008-8105(2015)04-0025-04
引用本文: 周瑜, 寇纲, 尔古打机. 基于失效分类的应急救援装备预防维修优化[J]. 电子科技大学学报社科版, 2015, 17(4): 25-28. DOI: 10.14071/j.1008-8105(2015)04-0025-04
ZHOU Yu, KOU Gang, ERGU Da-ji. Preventive Maintenance Optimization of Emergency Rescue Equipment Based on Failure Classification[J]. Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION), 2015, 17(4): 25-28. DOI: 10.14071/j.1008-8105(2015)04-0025-04
Citation: ZHOU Yu, KOU Gang, ERGU Da-ji. Preventive Maintenance Optimization of Emergency Rescue Equipment Based on Failure Classification[J]. Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION), 2015, 17(4): 25-28. DOI: 10.14071/j.1008-8105(2015)04-0025-04


Preventive Maintenance Optimization of Emergency Rescue Equipment Based on Failure Classification

  • 摘要: 交通工具是实施快速救援的可靠保证,交通工具作为劣化设备,其累积失效次数随着运行年龄和行驶里程的增加而单调递增。在一个给定时间内,累积失效数是一个随机变量,每次失效严重程度不同。以失效后的停机时间和维修费用为度量,将失效分为三类,进而优化其预防维修时间。为了验证方法有效性,以收集的车队失效数据为例进行了分析。


    Abstract: Transportation equipment is a reliable guarantee of performing fast rescue. These equipments, whose cumulative failure numbers increases with age and mileage increasing, are degradation systems. Within a given time, the cumulative failure number is a random variable. And failure severity is very different. This paper classifies all failures into three categories according to two factors, the downtime, and repair cost. Then the maintenance optimization model is built. Finally, an empirical case is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


